Resident lounge amenity with pool tables and floor to ceiling windows overlooking East River in New York Cit

Lease Renewal Service

Managing rental properties IS tedious

Don't let the hassle of lease renewals overwhelm you. Partner with Undivided and experience a stress-free and streamlined renewal process for your rental properties. For just $749 we can help you maximize the value of your rental investments.


Negotiate with Tenant

Renewing a lease often involves negotiation, whether it's discussing rental rates, lease terms, or other conditions. Our experienced team will handle all negotiations with your tenant on your behalf, ensuring that your interests are represented and that the terms of the lease align with your requirements.

We also include a free notification service, so you and your tenant never miss the opportunity to renew.
Staged apartment in New York Cit


Complete Documents

Lease renewals typically require a variety of documents to be completed and signed by both parties. Our team will work closely with you and your tenant to ensure that all necessary paperwork is up to date, properly executed, and filed in a timely manner.
iPad showing website of 303 East 33rd Street


Coordinate with Management

We understand the importance of effective communication and collaboration especially with the building’s property management company. Our Lease Renewal Service includes coordination with management to streamline the renewal process and address any property-specific requirements, such as board packages.
Hands passing Undivided business card


Payment of Fees

Renewing a lease may involve various fees, such as building fees or administrative charges. With Undivided, you can rest assured that all applicable fees will be accurately calculated, communicated, and followed up, minimizing any potential confusion or delays.
Check marks stacked

Place your order.

To place your order, please enter your name and email below. Also enter any additional info about your property, including address.  Once in receipt, we will provide intructions to get started.

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